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RSS Ehawkins

Reward Points:408
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

There have been people who haven't been able to afford college for centuries, which is why they have college loans. it could be argued that loans and costs of college are out of whack with the cost of living, but if colleges were free, who would end up paying for it: the tax payer. How will that end?

1 point

How much should be paid for? let's say that the government decides to have free tuition, what is the end? Should students get free books as well? When does it end? What is the end of the hand outs?

1 point

Many reusable items also end in the landfill. Are plastic bags really the place to start?

1 point

Paper bags do break down easier--- as evidenced by having anything cool in your bag. It sweats, and all of your groceries are on the ground. the break down of the paper bag is why people hate them.

1 point

What do water bottles have to do with plastic bags? Are you arguing that we should start with plastic bottles and then worry about bags? Also, what litters the ocean? Plastic bags. People often DON"T reuse them. They end up filling landfills.

1 point

Rehab is only effective if the person in the rehab has committed themselves to it. What do you do with people who are caught using in rehab. At some point, is punishment the only effective end to this?

1 point

So, sending people to jail would be a waste of tax payer money? Let's explore this argument: how is rehab generally paid for? It's paid for through tax payer money. How many times can a person go through rehab before it becomes a waste of money? What is the end of the rope here?

1 point

In the case of the addict, who should be punished? What if the addict is also someone who sells drugs? Where is the line? Where should the punishment be?

1 point

Are you arguing for peer pressure or support? You seem to be thinking of supportive pressure, but often peer pressure finds itself in negative situations. What if a student wants to join the chess team, and they are pressured to not be in. Is that a good pressue?

1 point

Who is not thinking on their own? Your argument is that it leads to only one shared opinion, but does it? If a community shares an opinion, and it is, for example, recycling, should peer pressure be discouraged?

Displaying 4 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, it causes change.
Tied Positions: No, they broke the law. vs. Yes, rehab is more effective.
Tied Positions: No, it will cause problems. vs. Yes, it needs to happen.
Winning Position: Yes, they are harmful.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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