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English 1101

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Yes, they are harmful. No, they are necessary.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes, they are harmful. (11)
 No, they are necessary. (6)

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ehawkins(408) pic

Plastic bags should be banned.

Yes, they are harmful.

Side Score: 11

No, they are necessary.

Side Score: 6
1 point

Plastic bags should be banned because they are harmful to the environment. Plastic doesn't deteriorate very fast if it is in nature. Also, burning the plastic bags will create a harmful pollution. Paper bags are a better option when it comes to disposing them.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
JoshDykhoff(4) Disputed
1 point

you're wrong, You should really learn your facts kid, get wrecked, see you next time

Side: No, they are necessary.
1 point

Plastic bags should be banned because they never fully degrade. People can still recycle plastic bags, but will end up in land fills or oceans. Plastic bags pollute our land and water, where they damage animals and ecosystems. They are super lightweight and travel great distances by wind or water currents.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

I think you made a great point about how far they can travel and damage the environment. I also like how you mention that plastic bags never fully degrade.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

Paper bags are the smarter way to go. They will break down faster, and are sturdier. Using plastic bags is harmful to the environment, and can be a danger to small kids.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Paper bags do break down easier--- as evidenced by having anything cool in your bag. It sweats, and all of your groceries are on the ground. the break down of the paper bag is why people hate them.

Side: No, they are necessary.
1 point

Plastic bags should be banned. Plastic bags never truly decompose. They either end up in the ocean or in landfills. When they end up in the ocean, they are choking hazards for the animals. When they end up in landfills, they release pollutants as they decompose. Instead of using plastic bags, buy reusable bags.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Many reusable items also end in the landfill. Are plastic bags really the place to start?

Side: No, they are necessary.
22jbarthel(2) Clarified
1 point

Yes, because over 5 trillion plastic bags are used each year. Using reusable bags, made out of cloth or paper, will reduce this number. Cloth and paper are much safer for the environment compared to plastic.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

I think that plastic bags are harmful because so many people use them and then they either throw them out or just leave them on the ground. No matter what people use them for or where they put them, they will more than likely end up in nature somewhere and be harmful to the ecosystem. There are so many plastic bags in the ocean and all over in places that aren't natural. Even if you recycle them they just end up in a landfill and cause harm.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

Plastic bags are all over the place because they aren't disposed of in the right manner. Since they take 1,000 years to decompose they have caused harm to us and other animals by making their way into our food chain. There are other, more environmentally safe, options like paper bags.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

I completely agree with your statement. We need to protect the food chain from bad things like this.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

Plastic bags should not be band but there should be more regulations on there manufacture and disposal. Rwanda has a plastic bag ban which has resulted in the creation of a secret underground of plastic smuggling. Banning plastic bags created more problems for Rwanda than benefits. If instead of banning plastic bags they are more strictly regulated and fewer should be made. this would result in a smoother transition to alternative bags and and benefit to the environment.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
1 point

Plastic bags shouldn't be banned. They have many uses and are very easy too reuse. One big reuse I use is use them to put other garbage in. I also use them to sell sweetcorn in. Plastic bags are a small item with many uses. There are many other items that aren't necessary we can get rid of. Get a water bottle!

Side: No, they are necessary.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

What do water bottles have to do with plastic bags? Are you arguing that we should start with plastic bottles and then worry about bags? Also, what litters the ocean? Plastic bags. People often DON"T reuse them. They end up filling landfills.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
JoshDykhoff(4) Disputed
1 point

I reuse them, I'm saying that plastic water bottles have one use and bags have many, We should get rid of them way before we get rid of bags. I use these bags on the daily. Paper bags don't hold up and are way harder to make.

Side: No, they are necessary.
summerpettit(2) Disputed
1 point

Plastic is made with harmful chemicals that can be damaging to your health. Exposure to these chemicals is linked to cancers, birth defects, and many other things. They do not biodegrade and breakdown into tiny, harmful pieces, called micro-plastics. Plastic bags kill millions of animals per year. You can use different types of bags besides plastic, like paper.

Side: Yes, they are harmful.
JoshDykhoff(4) Disputed
1 point

They actually do biodegrade, 250 years, so as long as we regulate we will be fine. we've used them for this long, why not keep using them? get wrecked kid, get out of my lobby

Side: No, they are necessary.