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English 1101

Debate Info

Yes, it needs to happen. No, it will cause problems.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, it needs to happen. (4)
 No, it will cause problems. (4)

Debate Creator

ehawkins(408) pic

Public college should be tuition free.

Yes, it needs to happen.

Side Score: 4

No, it will cause problems.

Side Score: 4
1 point

So many students don't go to college because money is a huge problem for them. They don't get the opportunity to get the best out of their future. With college, you get so many more opportunities to get a job. I know they can still get jobs without college, but there's so many more chances to get a better job that could last longer and be more enjoyable.

Side: Yes, it needs to happen.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

How much should be paid for? let's say that the government decides to have free tuition, what is the end? Should students get free books as well? When does it end? What is the end of the hand outs?

Side: No, it will cause problems.
1 point

I believe that college tuition should be free. Many students/families simply don't have the money for college. There are students who are good enough to go to college, but that option gets taken away from them due to money. If their college tuition gets paid for, it makes things easier for them. They have the opportunity to earn more money after college versus going straight to work after high school.

Side: Yes, it needs to happen.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

There have been people who haven't been able to afford college for centuries, which is why they have college loans. it could be argued that loans and costs of college are out of whack with the cost of living, but if colleges were free, who would end up paying for it: the tax payer. How will that end?

Side: No, it will cause problems.
1 point

Public colleges being free could provide many benefits not only to students but to the community. If colleges start reducing prices and taking away costs more student will be likely to apply and want to go to college. The money used to provide federal aid to students who need money can go to better uses to help the countries economy. Students will also be going into the real world debt free and with more money and they would be able to purchase more consumer goods produced by the country increasing production rates and maybe even prices. It could even help people want to come live in America.

Side: Yes, it needs to happen.
AnderOk(2) Disputed
1 point

If the money that was once going to federal aid is now going elsewhere, how is this “free college” going to be paid? through tax dollars? If taxes are raised, then the increased wages wouldnt even matter.

Side: No, it will cause problems.
1 point

A main reason that people do not attend college is because they do not have the money. If public college tuition were to be free, the amount of people educated would go up. More people will be able to provide for themselves and their families if they have a steady job. Being educated will make it easier for people to get a better job.

Side: Yes, it needs to happen.
1 point

If public college is tuition free, then this will increase the standard of living. A more educated population would demand higher pay, and this would increase housing markets. With everything increasing in price, those who have paid for college (or those who didn’t go in their youth) would just be left in the dust. If public colleges and universities were free it would be problematic. Yes the populous would be smarter, but overall living standards would become outrageous.

Side: No, it will cause problems.