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English 1101

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Yes, rehab is more effective. No, they broke the law.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes, rehab is more effective. (3)
 No, they broke the law. (3)

Debate Creator

ehawkins(408) pic

Drug addicts should be helped rather than punished.

Yes, rehab is more effective.

Side Score: 3

No, they broke the law.

Side Score: 3
1 point

It is more effective because once they get help they SHOULD stop doing drugs and breaking the law. If you were to just punish them, most people get mad that they got in trouble and might go back to using more drugs to cope with the paid. If you were to help them and get them out of the drug loop, they might actually turn their live around and be a better person and help the community.

Side: Yes, rehab is more effective.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

In the case of the addict, who should be punished? What if the addict is also someone who sells drugs? Where is the line? Where should the punishment be?

Side: No, they broke the law.
1 point

if someone is struggling with addiction they do not deserve to go to jail for x about of years. it could be an unreasonably amount of years just for someone struggling with substance abuse and a complete waste of taxpayers money to put someone in jail for a “crime” that wasn’t entirely their fault. instead take that money and put it toward them getting help to better cope with their addiction. help these people go to rehab or get them substitute substances that they can use to lean off of whatever drug they’re addicted to.

Side: Yes, rehab is more effective.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

So, sending people to jail would be a waste of tax payer money? Let's explore this argument: how is rehab generally paid for? It's paid for through tax payer money. How many times can a person go through rehab before it becomes a waste of money? What is the end of the rope here?

Side: No, they broke the law.
1 point

Rehab is more effective than punishment. It teaches drug addicts how to change for the better. If they are punished, they are more likely to do the crime again. Rehab is more effective because it teaches drug addicts how to return to the real world by using skills they learn.

Side: Yes, rehab is more effective.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Rehab is only effective if the person in the rehab has committed themselves to it. What do you do with people who are caught using in rehab. At some point, is punishment the only effective end to this?

Side: No, they broke the law.
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