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English 1101

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Yes, it causes change. No, it's basically bullying.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Yes, it causes change. (7)
 No, it's basically bullying. (5)

Debate Creator

ehawkins(408) pic

Peer pressure is a good thing.

Yes, it causes change.

Side Score: 7

No, it's basically bullying.

Side Score: 5
1 point

Peer pressure can be a good thing in some situations. When you are trying to decide if you should join a club or go out for a sport, a friend telling you to join might get you to experience new things and you might like it more than you thought. Even if you don't like it, it still gets you out and doing stuff.

Side: Yes, it causes change.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Are you arguing for peer pressure or support? You seem to be thinking of supportive pressure, but often peer pressure finds itself in negative situations. What if a student wants to join the chess team, and they are pressured to not be in. Is that a good pressue?

Side: No, it's basically bullying.
1 point

Peer pressure is a good thing because it promotes change. The individual who is going through peer pressure may actually learn to use good habits throughout their day-to-day life. Positive change can be sparked by peer pressure, because pressure isn't always bad. For example, someone could be pressured into working for a good cause. Perhaps recycling!

Side: Yes, it causes change.
1 point

Peer pressure can seem bad at first glance. It always depends on what the situation is. For example if a kid is being peer pressured into doing drugs with friends then obviously it's bad. But if someone is being peer pressured into working out and losing weight it will not only help them be healthier, but it will also increase their self confidence.

Side: Yes, it causes change.
bradydomier(2) Disputed
1 point

you're wrong. just stop while your ahead a little bit. please save your fingers and type elsewhere. c ya

Side: No, it's basically bullying.
NateHeppner(4) Disputed
1 point

"Y" at the start of your first "sentence". "J" at the start of your second sentence. "P" at the start of your third sentence. Finally it's C'ya not c ya.

Side: Yes, it causes change.
1 point

peer pressure is bad because it takes away from the abilitity for people to think on their own and formulate their own opinions

Side: No, it's basically bullying.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Who is not thinking on their own? Your argument is that it leads to only one shared opinion, but does it? If a community shares an opinion, and it is, for example, recycling, should peer pressure be discouraged?

Side: Yes, it causes change.
NateHeppner(4) Disputed
1 point

Peer pressure never takes away someone ability to make choices. Peer pressure doesn't brainwash people into always agreeing with the majority. When you said "It takes away their ability to formulate their own opinions." That is totally false. it might impact them but it never makes them to anything. It is always the person's choice to do something.

Side: Yes, it causes change.
lauryn12345(5) Clarified
1 point

abili-tity???? check your spelling and get it right boi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes, it causes change.
1 point

Peer pressure is good in moderation but usually can overwhelm an individual negatively. An example of negative peer pressure includes an individual drinking, smoking, or doing drugs because their friends do it. Peer pressure is how a person fits in with their friend group and a lot of times leads to bullying if you try to exclude yourself from the act.

Side: No, it's basically bullying.
lauryn12345(5) Disputed
1 point

you are wrong. thats it. get your facts right and come back later. just embarassing

Side: Yes, it causes change.
1 point

I think peer pressure can be a good thing because it can encourage you or someone else to do something or help them grow. An example could be pushing a friend to study more so they can have better grades or get their grades up. Peer pressure can also be a good thing because it can help you try something new and get you out of your comfort zone.

Side: No, it's basically bullying.