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English 1101

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Flute is harder to play Percussion is harder to play
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Flute is harder to play (1)
 Percussion is harder to play (1)

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JohannaBruns(4) pic

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Challenge Debate: Flute is harder to play than percussion

Which instrument is more difficult to play?

Flute is harder to play

Side Score: 1

Percussion is harder to play

Side Score: 1
1 point

Flute is harder to play because although it is one instrument, it is a difficult one. One may say that it is more difficult to learn multiple percussive instruments. However, it's not that hard because they are only rythmical. Flute is harder to play because you need to work with fingerings, breath-control, rhythm, and tone-quality. This is happening at the same time... sideways! Flute playing requires physical endurance, and you need good lip structure. To be continued... ;)

Side: Flute is harder to play
1 point

In percussion, there's multiple instruments. You have to learn ALL of them, or else, the ensemble will sound terrible. There's not just keeping the beat, there's learning the treble clef scale, and the bass clef scale. Along with knowing all of the rhythms. It takes a lot longer to learn how to do all of that, correctly, at that. I think imma give up... why did you challenge me to this???

Side: Percussion is harder to play